
Showing posts from October, 2017

A New Song

    Every morning when I wake up, I am always reminded by the Holy spirit of a new song.. it is usually a song that I've learnt in the past, or a song that I just recently heard. When I get that daily reminder, I usually sing it out loud. This prompts me to pray, and Thank God for everything, which is key.     Just that one song reminder can lead me into a session of praise and worship and after that I feel so relieved, and I get some sort of inner peace, even though I am going through anything at that moment, this boosts my faith and I don't just have faith, I try to work towards what I am believing God for, and I know God sees my heart.     So therefore, I am encouraging you this morning, that whenever you feel down or are loosing faith, whatever song that comes to your heart, start by singing it, even though you are not in the mood... It would definitely lift up your faith. Also in the course of prayer, whatever your mind keeps drifting to, pray about it, because, that th

Post Birthday

YESTERDAY      So my birthday has passed once more, I wasn't actually expecting anything even cake, but everything changed at the last minute and basically, I had fun. I would have posted yesterday, but I was too tired and stressed out, I slept with a headache...  I am grateful for all the messages i got and the gifts. I sent in a post to naijasinglegirl, she posted it, and i received a lot of messages from her blog visitors through email, instagram and snapchat.      Because I was writing a test yesterday, after DLD class, I went to an almost empty class at CEDS building- Covenant University. anyways, there I saw two of my birthday mate, how do I know? Their friends told them happy Birthday. Some random boy bought me a drink -5 alive- cause my friend told him  it was my birthday. I would love to mention in details everything that happened yesterday, but i am tired. I just want to thank God for a successful birthday TODAY      My department had a Town and Gown seminar, which

Re-Introduction: Birthday Eve

     Hey guys, i'ts me again!. So i started this blog a while back, but it didn't work out, basically because I was not sure of myself, and I didn't plan for it. the name, previous posts, every thing was just off, also i wasn't passionate about the blog, all I wanted to do was make money ASAP. Well, now, i have decided to start all over, changed the name of the blog, changed a couple of things too.      Any ways, now I am back and better. It is the eve of my 21st birthday, even though I feel scared, I am grateful to God for the end of another year in my life. I am two decades old, and counting 😁. In this past year, I've had a lot of ups and downs, that I would definitely be blogging about.      I am a student, currently studying at Covenant University, I am in my final year, working on my project. #lifeofastudent      I would really appreciate it if you share my posts, like, comment and subscribe to my blog, lets make it as interactive as possible. Also if you