Hello November, please be good!

Image result for hello november, please be good

     So its a new month! a lot went down in October, both the good and the bad.  Something went wrong with my browser, so anytime I tried opening anything relating to google, such as this blog, it kept telling me privacy error! I was frustrated, and so stressed because I was also writing my mid-semester tests, and I had my project to do, which is still pending, but I'm currently working on it now.
     I have a story to tell, I was denied entry into an exam hall last semester which was Acc 322- cost accounting 2. This was because I defaulted in my chapel service attendance twice according to them, whereas it was only once, some people that defaulted even four times still got to write their exams, I wonder why mine was different. I became depressed, cause I couldn't fathom why that happened to me ( I go for almost all services). I kept pursuing the case since last semester till this semester, so that I would be eligible to partake in the make-up exams. It was a very stressful and teary pursuit cause at a point I gave up, I didn't even care who was watching, I just kept crying, my face was swollen and eyes were red and swollen for dayssss... I honestly thought that God had forsaken me and did not care about me, even with the encouragement from people, including my friends, strangers, the chaplain, a doctor( I was sick cause of this) I still saw no hope. Whenever you loose hope, just read this passage Psalms 34:18
 Image result for psalms 34: 18
     At the 11th hour I got good news. Okay let me explain. I decided to sneak in to the exam hall, since I heard that they were not checking if anyone's name was on the attendance list, so I kept reading and plotting how everything would go down, I didn't mind if I got caught or not, something kept telling me to just study for the exam, so I did. The exam was scheduled to be for 12 noon, but by around 11:30 that day, a third list for those eligible to partake in the make up exams was published, and my name was part of it, I was overjoyed! imagine if I had not read. I couldn't remember the exact passage that said that God would NEVER leave me nor for sake me- at that time. But apparently, there is more than one passage concerning that in the Bible.
Image result for i will not leave you nor forsake you Image result for i will not leave you nor forsake you Image result for i will not leave you nor forsake you
     Anyways, I wrote the make-up exam, I passed it, Thank God!, even though it was a D, and honestly I know that I did better than that, I am still grateful that it is no longer an F which means a carry over. I'm glad that I'm done with that, Now I have to focus on my project, and as it is November, the month of exams, I also have to focus on that, and stay out of trouble...


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